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How does a Staff member transfer a ticket to themselves or another Staff Member?

● To​ transfer​ a ticket to​ another Staff member​:

  • ○  ​Select​ the desired ​ticket​ so it is displayed on the screen.
  • ○  Select ​Info ​from the ​Left Handed menu.​
  • ○  The ticket information will be displayed. Under the ​Room/Owner​ section tap on ​Server​.

■ The current owner of the ticket will be highlighted.

  • ○  Select the desired ​Staff member​ to transfer the ticket to.
  • ○  Select ​Send ​from the ​Left Handed menu ​to complete the transfer.

■ If you select ​Exit​ instead it will discard this change and will not transfer the ticket​.

● To​ transfer​ a ticket to ​yourself​:

  • ○  Select​ the desired ​ticket​ so it is displayed on the screen.
  • ○  Select ​Info ​from the ​Left Handed menu.​
  • ○  The ticket information will be displayed. Under the ​Room/Owner​ section tap on ​Server​.

■ The current owner of the ticket will be highlighted.

  • ○  Select​ your name​ from the list.
  • ○  Select ​Send​ from the ​Left Handed menu​ to complete the transfer.

■ If you select ​Exit​ instead it will discard this change and will not transfer the ticket​.

Transfer Permissions

● The ability to transfer tickets to yourself and others is dependent on two settings: one under ​Location Setup​ → Job Types​ → ​Access to Other Users Tickets​ and under ​Location Setup​ →​ Permissions​ → ​Modify Server​. Below is a table that explains how the settings interact:

Access to Other Users Tickets

None View Only Edit

Modify Server


Transfer to Others ONLY Transfer to Yourself ONLY Transfer to Others & Yourself


No Transfers No Transfers No Transfers

● Important Note: If you are set up with View Only and Modify Server is Checked. You ​cannot​ transfer a ticket back that you transferred to yourself and you ​cannot​ transfer tickets you create yourself.

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Self Help Documentation
< All Topics

How does a Staff member transfer a ticket to themselves or another Staff Member?

● To​ transfer​ a ticket to​ another Staff member​:

  • ○  ​Select​ the desired ​ticket​ so it is displayed on the screen.
  • ○  Select ​Info ​from the ​Left Handed menu.​
  • ○  The ticket information will be displayed. Under the ​Room/Owner​ section tap on ​Server​.

■ The current owner of the ticket will be highlighted.

  • ○  Select the desired ​Staff member​ to transfer the ticket to.
  • ○  Select ​Send ​from the ​Left Handed menu ​to complete the transfer.

■ If you select ​Exit​ instead it will discard this change and will not transfer the ticket​.

● To​ transfer​ a ticket to ​yourself​:

  • ○  Select​ the desired ​ticket​ so it is displayed on the screen.
  • ○  Select ​Info ​from the ​Left Handed menu.​
  • ○  The ticket information will be displayed. Under the ​Room/Owner​ section tap on ​Server​.

■ The current owner of the ticket will be highlighted.

  • ○  Select​ your name​ from the list.
  • ○  Select ​Send​ from the ​Left Handed menu​ to complete the transfer.

■ If you select ​Exit​ instead it will discard this change and will not transfer the ticket​.

Transfer Permissions

● The ability to transfer tickets to yourself and others is dependent on two settings: one under ​Location Setup​ → Job Types​ → ​Access to Other Users Tickets​ and under ​Location Setup​ →​ Permissions​ → ​Modify Server​. Below is a table that explains how the settings interact:

Access to Other Users Tickets

None View Only Edit

Modify Server


Transfer to Others ONLY Transfer to Yourself ONLY Transfer to Others & Yourself


No Transfers No Transfers No Transfers

● Important Note: If you are set up with View Only and Modify Server is Checked. You ​cannot​ transfer a ticket back that you transferred to yourself and you ​cannot​ transfer tickets you create yourself.

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