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Can you use Pricing Rules to configure limited time Promotions? For example, a Happy Hour for all beers on Saint Patrick’s Day weekend only.

  • Yes, under ​Pricing Rules​ you have the ability to set a​ Start Date​ and/or ​End Date​ for the promotion.
  • ●  From there you can schedule it for the​ days​ of the week and ​times​ you would like it to be available.
  • ●  You can also configure it to be​ specific​ to only certain ​rooms​. For example, if you only want the discounted beers available at the bar you could utilize this.
  • ●  Below is an example of a Saint Patrick’s Day weekend ​Happy Hour​ that has ​$1 beers​ from ​7pm-3am​ ​Saturday and ​Sunday​.
  • Here are some ​important considerations​ with the example:
    • ○  Start Date​- is the ​first day​ the Happy Hour promotion is ​in effect​.
    • ○  End Date​- is the​ first day​ that the Happy Hour promotion will ​not​ be ​in effect​.
    • ○  In the ​Schedule​ section if you have promos that run past ​midnight​ on a particular day, you must create two parts. This is why it is configured this way in the example and also why I have my ​End Date​ set to Tuesday​(since we account for what is technically Monday morning from 12-3a).
    • ○  I have the ​Room Specific​ setting checked. When this is checked under ​Rooms​ you will see a ​Pricing setting and can select this new rule. In this scenario, I only wanted beers at the bar to be discounted and therefore, only added the rule to the Bar ​Room​.
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Self Help Documentation
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Can you use Pricing Rules to configure limited time Promotions? For example, a Happy Hour for all beers on Saint Patrick’s Day weekend only.

  • Yes, under ​Pricing Rules​ you have the ability to set a​ Start Date​ and/or ​End Date​ for the promotion.
  • ●  From there you can schedule it for the​ days​ of the week and ​times​ you would like it to be available.
  • ●  You can also configure it to be​ specific​ to only certain ​rooms​. For example, if you only want the discounted beers available at the bar you could utilize this.
  • ●  Below is an example of a Saint Patrick’s Day weekend ​Happy Hour​ that has ​$1 beers​ from ​7pm-3am​ ​Saturday and ​Sunday​.
  • Here are some ​important considerations​ with the example:
    • ○  Start Date​- is the ​first day​ the Happy Hour promotion is ​in effect​.
    • ○  End Date​- is the​ first day​ that the Happy Hour promotion will ​not​ be ​in effect​.
    • ○  In the ​Schedule​ section if you have promos that run past ​midnight​ on a particular day, you must create two parts. This is why it is configured this way in the example and also why I have my ​End Date​ set to Tuesday​(since we account for what is technically Monday morning from 12-3a).
    • ○  I have the ​Room Specific​ setting checked. When this is checked under ​Rooms​ you will see a ​Pricing setting and can select this new rule. In this scenario, I only wanted beers at the bar to be discounted and therefore, only added the rule to the Bar ​Room​.
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