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Ordering Items

​​​Manager Guide | Heartland Restaurant Once you have created a ticket you will be brought to the Order Screen. From here you can enter items on the ticket and

make any necessary modifications.

Adding Items

  • ●  Tap on an item to add it to the ticket.
  • ●  Depending on the configuration of the item, you may have an additional window open to customize the itemwith modifiers, a weight, etc. Once done customizing the item tap in a blank area on the screen to go back to the order screen.Managing ItemsOnce items have been added to a check you can do various actions with them.
    You can tap on a single item in the ​Ticket Preview​ to select it.
    If you long press on an item in the ​Ticket Preview​ you can select multiple items at once by tapping on additional items. You will see a small menu in the bottom right appear:
  • ●  Select All: ​Selects all items on the ticket.
  • ●  Seat: ​Allows you to assign all selected items to a Seat number. A keypad will appear for you to enter the desirednumber.
  • ●  Course: ​If your restaurant uses coursing, you can use this option to assign a course number, hold, or rush theselected items.
  • ●  Move: ​This option allows you to move the selected items to a chosen ticket. A list of tickets will display to selectfrom.
  • ●  Duplicate: ​This option will duplicate the items you have selected.
  • ●  Quantity: ​Allows you to increase the quantity of the selected item(s).
  • ●  Void Item/Remove Item: ​This will remove the selected items from the ticket. It will prompt you to enter a voidreason if the item was already saved/committed to the ticket.
  • ●  Modify: ​Allows you to change the modifiers selected for the item.
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Self Help Documentation
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Ordering Items

​​​Manager Guide | Heartland Restaurant Once you have created a ticket you will be brought to the Order Screen. From here you can enter items on the ticket and

make any necessary modifications.

Adding Items

  • ●  Tap on an item to add it to the ticket.
  • ●  Depending on the configuration of the item, you may have an additional window open to customize the itemwith modifiers, a weight, etc. Once done customizing the item tap in a blank area on the screen to go back to the order screen.Managing ItemsOnce items have been added to a check you can do various actions with them.
    You can tap on a single item in the ​Ticket Preview​ to select it.
    If you long press on an item in the ​Ticket Preview​ you can select multiple items at once by tapping on additional items. You will see a small menu in the bottom right appear:
  • ●  Select All: ​Selects all items on the ticket.
  • ●  Seat: ​Allows you to assign all selected items to a Seat number. A keypad will appear for you to enter the desirednumber.
  • ●  Course: ​If your restaurant uses coursing, you can use this option to assign a course number, hold, or rush theselected items.
  • ●  Move: ​This option allows you to move the selected items to a chosen ticket. A list of tickets will display to selectfrom.
  • ●  Duplicate: ​This option will duplicate the items you have selected.
  • ●  Quantity: ​Allows you to increase the quantity of the selected item(s).
  • ●  Void Item/Remove Item: ​This will remove the selected items from the ticket. It will prompt you to enter a voidreason if the item was already saved/committed to the ticket.
  • ●  Modify: ​Allows you to change the modifiers selected for the item.
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